Tuesday, 2 April 2013


YOLO is my new motto.


Nothing like your mother having a life threatening illness* to get your YOLO swagger on.

I was introduced to this phrase by my guilty pleasure 'Keeping up with Preggas Kim'** and my sis when she went partying five nights in a row. I instantly loved YOLO, how is sums up an attitude in a cute word.

Now I have chosen to make YOLO my daily mantra and so has the rest of my family. What is great about YOLO is that you don't have to do something incredibly exciting to embrace it (although this is def allowed when YOLO is involved). All you have to do is WHATEVER YOU WANT!

So here are some ways I'm getting my YOLO on:

Wearing lipstick:
Might as well start with the most earth shattering of them all right?!?! LOL***. I have always been scared to wear lipstick because I barely have any lips whatsoever. I've always admired from afar the lovely lassies pouting those juicy bright lips while I stuck to my 'heavy eye, no lippie' look. But now I am YOLOing it. Seriously, who cares if it isn't  the best look for me?? YOLO demands we enjoy ourselves and have fun! So now I sport a bright lip****. Hubby is not a fan as he thinks it is ageing,but I don't care, YOLO is being true to yourself and having a go (insert a big smiley face with red lips here)!

Getting inked:
Sis and I went and got inked. We have matching lotus flower tattoos in honour of our mummy and what the lotus represents. That beauty comes through growing and rising above the mud and murky waters. We both talked about it for a long time and finally got them done, well half, still gotta get it coloured. Will I regret it? Not sure but I doubt it because I want to be reminded every single day to keep up the beautiful struggle. Besides, what is a tattoo compared to child birth and stretch marks? I'm already tiger striped for life, might as well add to the canvas ;) Note: the tattooist did tell us he has had multiple requests for YOLO tatts and has refused to do them.

Choosing experiences over chores:
Little L was in child care the other day. I could have done the usual 'clean the house, cook up his meals, washing etc' routine OR go to the Toulouse-Lautrec exhibition at the National Gallery. The spirit of YOLO compelled me to choose the latter and I'm so glad I did. Was such a treat to feast my eyes on those masterpieces and discover a new found love for a great artist. Afterwards I took in the view of the lake while eating my lunch and drinking a hot choc. Any mum knows what a great such a solo mission is. Life is short, chores will always be there but exhibitions move on and you miss out.

Creating new habits:
Went into Kikki.K and saw the 'Weekly Good Habits' pad and now giving it a go. I'm aiming to eat more fruit (more of a veges girl), increase my exercise and make sure I do something creative or nurturing for myself.

So there you have it. Of course I also am Applying YOLO to spending lots of time with loved ones and appreciating the simple things, but this is just some small examples of how I'm honouring the short time we have here.

YOLO! Embrace it and start making those changes for a happier and better you!

*My mummy has aggressive brain cancer.
**You know what show I'm talking about.
***Mum, this doesn't mean Lots Of Love.
**** thanks to rusabs.blogspot.com.au for picking a shade out for me.


  1. Mmm you are too gorgeous. This post made me cry and smile at the same time. You're so right, YOLO, so why not embrace it with all your might! So proud of you for going to the Lautrec exhibition as well, mummy guilt BE GONE! xx Rose

    1. Thanks Rose, you do embrace YOLO!! Xx

  2. This made me both cry and smile too! Own the YOLO! Definitely mumma guilt be gone! I'm definitely adding this one to my vocab. xx Maddy

    1. Thanks Maddy and congrats on your blog!

  3. What a gorgeous concept, Em! It's like a better version of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) which I seem to suffer from!
    I did something quite YOLO myself yesterday, actually. I took myself to the fancy Laurent bakery cafe in the city and ordered a coffee and a hazelnut macaroon and sat down with the newspaper for about an hour. Should have been working or cleaning or something boring like that, but all I really wanted was a coffee and a macaroon. And it was amazing! Really should do that more often! Keep the YOLO mantra up! Thinking of you in this tough time xx
    PS. Love your ink!

  4. Hi Em, sorry to hear about your Mum's illness. I fully support YOLO! Life is just too short. Candice x
