About me
- I have very messy handwriting, used to hate it until a friend said she digged it because it reflected my personality.
- When I was little I wanted to be the prime minister or a lawyer #nerdalert .
- I'm half half English but really want to be Italian.
- I love R&B and rap.
- I used to be the 'token white girl' many nights clubbing because of this.
- I love gardening.
- I used to play on an all boys soccer team for ages nine to 12.
- I am a terrible editor which is evident throughout After L Comes...
- My dream is to start my own charity/social benefiting organisation one day.
- I don't wear heels because I look so ridiculous in them.
- I love the Kardashians.
- I'm an emotional eater, baked goods and cheese are my downfall.
- My hubby and I are complete opposites in most ways.
- Giving birth and raising my son has been the most soul expanding thing I have ever done.
- I suffer terribly from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) especially with my siblings because they are so fun.
You're gorgeous in very way Em, keep us the blogging.xx Sabs.