I have now been an oven for 23 weeks which means I'm over halfway before this little bun will come and greet the world. It is also time for another update...
- Baby BlueWe are having a little boy!! So exciting and feels so much more real now that we know and can start calling him by his name instead of 'it' or 'bubba'. I was convinced we were having a little girl because I had dreams of a girl and just had a feeling – turns out I was wrong! Was bit of a shock but couldn't be happier to have a son :-) Just don't tell Dr Love's folks, they want a surprise so won't know until he is born (or someone slips up)!
- Milo and milkI should own shares in Nestle and a dairy farm because they have been my constant source of nutrition for the last few months. I still spew in the mornings if I try to have breakfast so Milo and milk is all I have. Also have a glass before bed at night. Must be the chocolate I'm loving in it – crave chocolate A LOT! It is like PMS times a million. At least I'm not craving tabouli anymore – was getting real garlic breath.
- Making a nestNesting has made me the cleanest and most organised I have ever been, to the point where it is actually impacting on my everyday life. One night I couldn't sleep until I had organised our linen cupboard including making labels for all the piles. These labels are very specific, for example, I have one that says 'light towels' and another 'dark towels'. Yes everything is colour coded and folded to perfection. It makes me just feel so calm when I see it all organised. Dr Love is really enjoying this new me, as I've turned into the wog wife he never had. He reckons I have been a bit mean though 'cause of the babymones which I responded with 'you get a neat wife, or a nice wife, but not both'! ;-)
- Movement from withinThe first time I felt my son move was the strangest feeling I have ever had. I was sitting at my desk at work and felt like bubbles were going off somewhere around my stomach, not in my stomach. I jumped up and said to the ladies at work "I just felt a kick"!! Was so lovely. Since that day (around 19 weeks) the movements have gotten stronger every day. I have started to recognise this little man's schedule – he likes to be active when I try to sleep but then sleeps in until about 8.30-9am. He tells me he is hungry or my pants are too tight by giving me a few punches. The last two nights I have even see my tummy 'jump' when a limb pushes out. So far Dr Love hasn't been able to feel it, but that is because when he puts his hand on my stomach our little boy calms down straight away :)
- Cry me a riverSometimes (OK bit more than just sometimes) I just start crying. I've had to stop watching any sad movies (Red Dog was a bad idea), reading some books – even having to hang out the washing has set me off!! As soon as the tears start they stop, which is followed by laughter. Babymones sure are crazy!
- French Children Don't Throw FoodIs the current 'it' book in the child rearing section of any Australian bookstore. I picked it up mainly because it seemed like a light yet interesting read, the cute cover didn't hurt either. So far it has been quite interesting on its observations on why French children seemed so much better behaved than 'anglophiles'. I do appreciate the more relaxed attitude the French have towards pregnancy and settling a bub in the first few months. Also love how the French hardly use the equivalent word for 'discipline' but rather say 'educate' when it comes to child rearing.
- Ready, set, ummn..... go?I have had a few self-doubting moments over the last few months around the lines 'can I do this'? When it really hit me was when I went with my mum to one of those massive baby warehouse kind of stores. I saw so many products I hadn't even thought about such as feeding pillows, sterilizers and bunny rugs! Had a mild panic attack as all these things bombarded me at once. With the advice from friends, family and my midwife I am working my way through all of this and determining what is necessary and what isn't – hey, at least I know what a bunny rug is now!!
- Group loveBeing pregnant has shown me how much love surrounds me in my personal and work life. Everyone has been so supportive and excited which is just making the best joy vibe all around me. So wonderful to share this experience with such special people! People have gotten involved by participating in a few baby sweeps (hey, I'm the granddaughter of a bookie, gotta have bets on sex, birth date and weight of bub), generous gifts, kind words, carrying heavy stuff and just being really cool. They will all be rewarded with lots of baby cuddles, kisses and maybe a nappy change or two when bub is here! ;-)
- Boobs just keep getting bigger and bigger!!Yep, the gals are officially out of control. They look like massive footballs and feel that way as well. In the last month they have grown by four inches but my belly only by one inch – eek! Thank goodness for my cousin working at a local lingerie shop to 'hook and strap' me up with much needed support*.
- Stay tuned for some pics...My gorgeous friend took some shots of the bump and me – the idea is to take some once a month until bubba is born and then when he is here – I'll post some up when I get them.
Leaning tower of Milo - didn't empty my car for a few days ( due to the insane weather and full hands) and this is what happened - evidence of my breakfast on the way to work. |
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This linen cupboard from Martha Stewart makes my heart soar! |
M xx
*Pun intended
*Pun intended
Great post M, love the reference to the French parenting book. Look forward to the next update xx Rose.